Topic outline
Hello, World!
Welcome to OCW UI - Foundations of Programming 2 (in Java),
this course is 100% free, a little contribution from UI to Indonesia!(Java) programming is fun and addicting. Enjoy every line of your code!
Instructor: Fariz Darari, Ph.D. (fariz ---at---
Java Programming Course Video Series
Very proud to my students (Chronos 2020), not only they do their best to learn Java, but also create these awesome Java tutorial videos to help everyone learn Java!!!
We present, a free but quality series of Java tutorial videos, made with ❤ by Fasilkom UI:
Topik 1: Basics
Topik 2: Conditions and Loops
Topik 3: Arrays & Array List
Topik 4: Generics
Topik 5: Recursion
Topik 6: Object-Oriented Programming
Topik 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Topik 8: Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Topik 9: Exceptions
Topik 10: Text I/O
Code and Resources
Topic 11: JavaFX Basics
Code and resources
Topic 12: JavaFX Events and Control
Code and Resources
Topic 13: Spring Boot
Programming Labs
Programming Assignments
Sample Exam Questions
Latihan Soal