Daftar Pustaka

  1. Barrows, H.S, and Tamblyn, R.M., (1980).Problem Based Learning, An Approach to Medical Education, New York : Springer Publishing Company.
  2. Medical Teacher Vol.22, No.4, (2000). AMEE Guide No.20 : The Good Teacher is more than a Lecturer- The Twelve roles of the Teacher, R.M.Harden & Joy Crosby
  3. Swanwick T et al. (2010), Understanding Medical Education. ASME , Willey-blackwell publisher. 
  4. Dornan T, Mann K, Scherpbier A, Spencer J.,(2011), Medical Education Theory and Practice: Integrates practice, theory, innovation and research. Church
Last modified: Saturday, 10 October 2020, 2:32 PM